Kids love pretend play. This kit includes all the doctor tools they need to be the doctor in your family. It contains a stethoscope, thermometer, reflex hammer, mouth mirror, otoscope, play syringe, glasses, and a prescription pad. My daughter has enjoyed this book and kit for almost three years now. It's funny to hear her in her room taking care of her sick dolls and calling them Jenny and Jack (the names of the kids in the book).
If you'd like to win a Going to the Doctor Kid Kit for your child, please comment below and let me know a little about your aspiring doctor. Make sure you include your email so I can contact you if you are the winner. Winner will be chosen randomly at noon on Oct. 20th.
Also, don't miss out on entering Usborne's monthly drawing for 50.00 in free books. The entry for that is on the big brown square box on the left column of this blog.
I have two little Doctors to be. They would love playing Doctor to each other, their stuffed animals and Daddy and Mommy too!
My sons love to play doctor all of the time- they would love this!
My son has "physician anxiety"--he's 4 now, and this has been an ongoing problem since he was a baby. I think this would be the perfect book to help him out!
Thanks, Sarah
What a fun giveaway. My daughter loves to play "doctor"...she almost has it down...she sounds just like her peds. doctor!
-Sandy Toes
My oldest son (3 years) loves pretending to be a doctor! My youngest (2 years) does everything his big brother does- so he wants to be a doctor as well! I would love to win this!
My grandson is afraid of the doctor.
I think this would help him understand what doctors do.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My husband is in medical school and our oldest, Treyton, who is three, wishes every day that he could go to "doctor" school with Daddy! The kit would be perfect so he could "help" Daddy with his homework.
My little dr. has a first little dr. kit. She loves to take my temp & check my ears! Though she does get a little rough...as she is only 2!
My kids are always playing "Vet". They have some toy cats and dogs. They have nothing to do with all the dolls we have, so I would love to win these.
Fun! Very cool kit! My 2yo would love this and I'm sure he's love it at the doctors office! =)
Wow, this looks like such a great book/set!
My son, Nicholas, is almost two-and-a-half and the last time we took him to his wonderful Pediatrician he became very upset. He has gotten upset in the past, but nothing like this.
Like Sarah, I'm thinking that reading this book and practicing going to the doctor (at home) could help relieve some of his anxiety.
My little boys would love this!
My little girl loves to play doctor with her friends. She said she loves "daddy's nurses" and we have no idea what she is talking about. What a fun kit. meloniew a t g m a i l d o t c o m
I WANT this book! I think my three year old secretly likes going to the doctor, it's so fascinating to him. He plays doctor all the time and calls himself "Dr. Manning." He would just LOVE this!
krista-manning (at) hotmail dot com
I actually have a dentist but I would love to encourage her not to put things in my mouth!
My son would love this. His nanny is recovering from surgery and he "Takes care of her at the Dr.s Office" This book would be great for him.
I have two doctors and only one kit, can you imagine the competition...mom is always taken well care of, but somehow they haven't figured out how to get the headache to go away after fighting for turns with the one kit we have :)
Ah, Crazy Lees, we actually have a Going to the Dentist book. She'd love it!
'Lil Moomette is my 2 yr old granddaughter & this would be great for her to ease any anxieties she may have as she's been in the hospital in the past & had all kinds of tests. It would also help her with her new 2 mo old brother when he goes for checkups.
My 4 year old has no aspirations to be a doctor... she only wants to be a Mommy... but if you're truly honest a Mommy is a little bit of everything.
Great contest!
My little 3YO daughter said last time we visited the doc, "You're nice. Doctors help people." So true. Let her learn to be a helper bee, too. Great giveaway.
My 4 year old son is always telling me that he wants to be a doctor when he grows up so that he can give people shots and fix their ouchies... I'm sure that he'd love this book and kit!
This would be so great for combating the doctor anxiety.
my kids have been to the hospital - for everything from heart tests to surgery, to visits, to waiting in er room with dad...but I would love to have this for the younger ones.
My niece and nephew take turns being doctor. This would be great for them.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
My son absolutely loves to play Doctor ... and Pirate ... and Wizard ... and Princess ...etc...etc. He has a wonderful imagination and would love this kit.
~ Jodi
My three year old son and eight yer old daughter plays doctor. One will lay down on the other will pretend to check there ears. They have fun playing this together and they actually get a long when they play doctor.
Actually my 16 year old son is going to apply for college for pre-med. He has always liked playing doctor.
my girls are little to really understand playing doctor...but they do like pretend play.
My son would love this! Looks a lot safer than some of the other things he uses!
My little doctor to be HATES going to the doctor--like, she starts freaking out the second the nurse walks through the door. It's horrible. She's 3 and a half now, and it's been this way since she was about 2. I'm hoping a doctor's kit would help alleviate her fears!
ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com
My son loves playing "doctor" at Grandma's house...He particularly likes to administer "shots." Lol! I'm sure he would love to have his own doctor's kit at home.
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
My son became interested in being a Dr. when he went with me to see our ultrasound. Now he loves playing Dr. and listening to the baby in his tummy. This kit would be great for doing checkups on his new baby brother!
wow this looks grate and maybe if my little one had this well she would help her not be a frade of the doctor when she go to see him
My daughter was born with a hole in her heart, we went to the doctor a lot but she is still scared even though most of the painful stuff "besides immunizations" is over. It always a fight to do even the littlest thing while there, I would love to see if this wold make doctor visits easier.
What a great give away! We love Usborne books! My little one would definetly have fun playing with everything and "reading the book"!
My 2 year old son dont know what a doctor is yet, but his sister who just turned 6 has been to hospital and she played doctor a LOT when she was about 3 and 4 years old.
Since my husband is a nurse my girls seem to play doctor quite a bit and we would love to read this story!
ajcmeyer AT go DOt com
My son doesn't know about playing doctor but this would be a great tool to introduce him too.
My little physicians love listening to heart beats! Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughter has such a great imagination, she loves playing doctor. She either plays with her big sister or with her stuff animals & dolls.
My little doctor to be would absolutely love this!
My 3 year old cousin love to play make believe!
our granddaughter using her dolls and stuffed animals to play hospital
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
My girls love to play real life doctor. If one gets hurt, the other is in a hurry to help her clean off the boo boo and get a band aid on it. I went to nursing school and one of my girls says she wants to be a nurse :)
My two oldest children, both boys, love to pretend to cut my tummy open for a c-section since they hear the stories over and over of how they came into this world. I guess they're gonna be educated OB-GYNs. Hmmmmm.....
jawan mcginnis (at) yahoo (dot) com
remove spaces
whenever my daughter gets hurt we "go to the doctor". we figure out where it hurts and fix it. she loves to be other kids' doctor when they get hurt and she even helps me occasionally.
i forgot my email:
my daughter would love to play doctor before going!
I don't have my own little one yet but I'm in education and would love to have this in a center for learning and awareness!
My son loves to play doctor. Since breaking my ankle last year he is constantly 'fixing' his bears ankle. Too cute!
Jen from BC CANADA
this might be what is needed to help my friends child get over his fear of the doctor
My big girls loves to play doctor with the baby. She could use a little guidance and some tools!
Ignoramoose is the winner of the Going to the Doctor Kid Kit. I will email her tomorrow and post tomorrow about it. Congrats!
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