Sunday, July 20, 2008

Clearly a Very Loved Child with Lots of Love to Give

Now how precious is this!! My daughter leaves pictures like these all around the house for me (she leaves ones for her dad too, and sometimes even her brother). I must have stacks of these.
Anyway, I find it so interesting that she draws all her people with heart shaped heads. There's always hearts all throughout her drawings. I just love it! And she always writes in there "I Love Mom". Too cool.
I'm just so thrilled to see such happiness and love exuding from this child. I'm thrilled that she knows how much she is loved and is able to express it back at such a young age. (It'll be interesting to see what her drawings look like 10 years from now! Yikes! I hope they stay sweet like this.)
Oh - and she always has crosses somewhere in her drawings. "That's cause God is always everywhere.", she says. Again, too cool!
If you'd like to share a precious picture that your child has drawn please post it. Tell us a little about it too. Everyone loves to see such cute pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love your daughter's drawing. It is just too cute. My daughter loves to draw horses from the "How to Draw Horses" Usborne book she got for Christmas. She also draws family and friends in what she calls the "bubble baby" syle. lol
